When Do You Need a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, and Why?

Table of Contents

  1. Motorcycle Accidents Are Often More Complex Than Expected
  2. Evidence Is Difficult to Collect
  3. Serious Injuries Are Complicated
  4. Road Conditions Can Be a Significant Factor
  5. Injured People Typically Have Limited Law Knowledge and Resources
  6. Negotiating is Challenging
  7. Insurance Companies and Juries May Be Biased
  8. Why You Should Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Sooner Rather Than Later
  9. Contact the Motorcycle Accident Attorneys of The Brown Firm

You’ve got a lot to think about after a motorcycle accident. Should contacting a personal injury attorney be on that list? If you’re weighing the pros and cons of taking on your case and the insurance company yourself versus working with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, this is the article for you.

The short answer is that personal injury attorneys will always be helpful if you’ve been in an accident—and the sooner you contact them, the sooner they can get to work.

At the same time, though, many people choose to handle their own case at least as first—usually because their concerned about costs or time. It’s natural to wonder whether a personal injury attorney will be worth it in the end.

In this article, we’ll discuss when it’s best to work with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney and why. By the time you’re finished reading, you should have a sense of the difference a legal professional can make for your case.   

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


Motorcycle Accidents Are Often More Complex Than Expected

It’d be nice to think that, after a motorcycle accident, you could rely on the insurance company to settle your claim quickly, smoothly, and give you every penny you deserve without a fight. Once in a while, that might actually even happen.

Unfortunately, this isn’t usually how it goes. Motorcycle accidents tend to result in serious injuries and disagreements with the insurance companies over why they happened. This alone is enough to call for a lawyer.

Following are some of the complications that can arise after motorcycle accidents, and how an attorney can minimize them and keep your case moving forward.

when do you need a motorcycle accident lawyer
when do you need a motorcycle accident lawyer

Evidence Is Difficult to Collect

After any traffic accident, evidence is cleaned up quickly to clear the roadways. Because motorcycles are much smaller than cars, it can be harder to learn details of the accident by looking at the vehicles themselves.

If you’ve been injured, gathering evidence immediately after the accident isn’t your priority. By the time you’re thinking about pursuing compensation, most of the evidence is probably cleared.

However, between their experiences and other resources, lawyers have ways to collect evidence, even after the road is cleaned up. This could include locating and preserving any possible source of video footage, speaking with traffic engineers and accident scene reconstructionists, following up with eyewitnesses, and more.

Serious Injuries Are Complicated

Without the protection of a larger vehicle, bikers and other motorcycle accident victims are more vulnerable when a crash happens. From broken legs to skin damage to catastrophic head and spine injuries, the damage and pain can be life-altering or even fatal.

Insurance companies look for anything to refute that their client’s actions were responsible for these serious injuries. They look into pre-existing and underlying conditions on your record and use tactics that present in a way that favors their bottom line.

Fortunately, motorcycle accident lawyers are prepared for this and know how to demonstrate that the accident caused your injuries. They use your medical bills, lost wages, and evidence from the motorcycle crash to help you get a fair settlement.  

should I get a lawyer for motorcycle accident
should I get a lawyer for motorcycle accident

Road Conditions Can Be a Significant Factor

No driver likes potholes, rain, or road debris, but these hazards pose much greater danger to bikers. Being able to explain how the weather and road conditions contributed to an accident isn’t always straightforward.

In addition, depending on who’s responsible for the road you were on, the local government may be at least partially liable for your injuries. Taking on these kinds of entities on your own is a major challenge, and working with an attorney takes that weight from your shoulders.

Injured People Typically Have Limited Law Knowledge and Resources

Personal injury lawyers make a career of knowing the law so that their clients can focus on healing and supporting their families. In addition, they often have a network of resources to help build strong cases, such as medical experts and accident reconstructionists.

For example, if you sustained a serious brain injury, it may take a long time to know that true impact of that injury. At the same time, you must honor the statute of limitations, which puts a time limit on how long you have to file a lawsuit. That’s a lot to keep track of on your own.

An attorney monitors your physical progress while keeping an eye on the clock for that statute of limitations. In the meantime, they can talk to neurological experts about what your brain injury means for the rest of your life.   

RELATED: How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?

Negotiating is Challenging

Negotiating for anything can be difficult, and trying to fight the big insurance companies when you’re injured can be especially challenging. Trying to keep track of the offers and counteroffers, and talking to the insurance company directly without accidentally saying anything to weaken your case, is a lot to ask.

Once again, your attorney is well versed in this aspect of a motorcycle accident case. Negotiating is an art, and usually best left to the pros—especially when your livelihood is on the line.

Insurance Companies and Juries May Be Biased

Unfortunately, many people have preconceived notions about motorcycle riders. They are often stereotyped as being reckless and irresponsible. It’s possible that, without substantial proof to the contrary, insurance adjusters and juries will assume that someone riding a motorcycle is at least partially responsible for the accident and their injuries.

Of course, this isn’t fair to those filing a motorcycle accident claim or a personal injury lawsuit. A personal injury lawyer knows this and will be ready to highlight what you were doing correctly when the accident happened.  

Why You Should Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Sooner Rather Than Later

Bringing an attorney into the situation as soon as possible is usually well worth it. With this early access to evidence and information, the lawyer has the best chance of building a strong case and preventing missteps.  

RELATED: What Is a Fair Settlement for a Motorcycle Accident in Georgia?

Ready to Talk to a Lawyer Who Has Your Back?

Contact the Motorcycle Accident Attorneys of The Brown Firm

At The Brown Firm, we’ve represented many injured bikers and their families after accidents and injuries. Our law firm always leads with compassion, walking alongside you through the major challenges and small details of your motorcycle accident claim.

Beyond that, as a chiropractor, Harry Brown offers valuable insight for a personal injury attorney. He understands neck, back, and spinal injuries deeply not just as lawyer, but also as a medical provider. And he knows how to navigate the insurance and healthcare systems during motorcycle accident cases.

To set up your free legal consultation with The Brown Firm, call (800) 529-1441 or complete the easy contact form on our website. We are honored to serve clients throughout Georgia and South Carolina, and we look forward to assisting you and your loved ones.  


The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

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What Is a Fair Settlement for a Motorcycle Accident in Georgia?

There’s no substitute for the feeling of absolute freedom that comes from riding a motorcycle. For some, it’s a thrill. For others, it’s a form of meditation. But it can be dangerous—even if you do everything right.

If you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s critically important that you don’t settle for any less than the full payout you deserve. While a personal injury settlement can’t undo the harm you suffered, it can (and should) provide you with financial peace of mind, giving you the support you need for as long as your injuries affect your life.

But figuring out how much is “fair” compensation for your motorcycle accident claim is not a simple calculation, and you only get one shot at it. Once you settle with an insurance company, there’s no going back for more later. That’s why it’s so important to have an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer on your side.

RELATED: Five Things Everybody Needs to Know About Motorcycle Accidents

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


What Is the Average Motorcycle Accident Settlement Amount?

It’s important to understand that no two motorcycle accident cases are the same. Many factors can affect your case’s settlement value:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • Your age
  • Your occupation and wage-earning capacity
  • The amount of insurance coverage available to you
  • The circumstances of the crash itself (including whether you share some degree of fault)

So, talking about an “average” settlement for motorcycle accident cases really isn’t very useful. Some cases are worth “only” a few thousand dollars. Others are worth millions. Without knowing exactly what your situation is, we can’t really tell you what a “good” or “bad” settlement is going to look like. (And to do that, you really need to speak with a motorcycle accident lawyer.)

What we can talk about in this article is what a fair settlement should cover—and tactics the insurance company uses to reduce your compensation.

RELATED: How Your Insurance Adjuster Determines Your Settlement Offer

motorcycle accident settlement
motorcycle accident compensation payouts

What Should a Fair Motorcycle Accident Settlement Cover?

At the most basic level, a successful personal injury case is about recovering damages. Your accident has caused you to suffer physically and financially, and very often mentally and emotionally as well. Your accident settlement should provide fair compensation for these very real losses.

Damages can be classified into three broad categories: economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages.

Economic Damages

Economic damages (also known as “special damages”) compensate you for the quantifiable economic costs due to the wreck. This includes things like:

  • Medical expenses associated with your wreck, including ambulance, hospital, and doctors’ bills
  • The cost of medication and medical devices (like wheelchairs and ramps)
  • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other rehabilitation services
  • Nursing care and long-term care services
  • Wage loss and reduced earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Cost of necessary household services (like housecleaning and lawn care)

Economic damages cover not only your current losses (bills you already have), but those that you are reasonably expected to have in the future—such as future surgeries, chronic pain management, long-term care, and wage loss due to permanent disability.

Because motorcycle accidents are frequently catastrophic and often require ongoing care, it’s extremely important that these future damages are estimated accurately. Accepting a settlement that’s too small might provide for your needs for the next 5, 10, or even 15 years, but will eventually lead to unnecessary financial hardship.

At The Brown Firm, we frequently consult with doctors, economists, long-term care planners, and other expert witnesses. Armed with this information, we can fully understand your long-term needs and stand up for you in negotiations with the insurance company, and if necessary, in court.

There is no cap on economic damages for a motorcycle accident in either Georgia or South Carolina.

RELATED: What Are Special Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Non-Economic Damages

Also known as “general damages,” non-economic damages compensate you for losses that don’t have an obvious financial cost associated with them, but still significantly affect your lifestyle and quality of life. Common examples include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress (post-traumatic stress, anxiety, embarrassment or shame, depression, and other conditions)
  • Loss of enjoyment of life (for example, no longer being able to perform your favorite activities or hobbies)
  • Loss of companionship (for example, no longer being able to enjoy the benefits normally associated with marriage or parenting)

Because non-economic damages are relatively subjective, the amounts awarded can vary significantly even for seemingly similar cases. The skill and experience of your personal injury attorney can make a difference in terms of what you are likely to recover from a settlement or jury.

There is no cap on non-economic damages for a motorcycle accident in either Georgia or South Carolina.

RELATED: Do I Need a Lawyer For Pain and Suffering?

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are relatively rare, but juries and judges will sometimes award them in a motorcycle accident case. They are intended to punish an at-fault party for extreme negligence or recklessness, rather than to compensate you directly for your losses.

For example, say you were stopped at a stoplight, and were rear-ended by a speeding drunk driver. In addition to paying your economic and non-economic damages, the court might add punitive damages to punish the defendant, since their actions went far beyond a “simple” mistake.

In Georgia, there is normally a cap of $250,000 on punitive damages for motorcycle accidents. However, there is no cap in cases where the at-fault driver either:

  • Was under the influence of alcohol or drugs (other than those legally prescribed), or
  • Acted intentionally to injure another person.

In South Carolina, punitive damages are limited to either $500,000, or three times the combined amount of economic and non-economic damages awarded—whichever is greater.

Additional Factors That Can Affect the Value of Your Personal Injury Settlement After a Motorcycle Crash

As you research your legal options, you might run into discussions about settlement “multipliers.” Personal injury attorneys and insurance adjusters often use this term when estimating or calculating your non-economic damages (like pain and suffering).

However, there’s not a hard-and-fast settlement calculator that will accurately estimate your case’s value. There are simply too many factors that can affect your case.

For example, suppose you were in a motorcycle wreck with a distracted driver. You suffer a traumatic brain injury and a broken leg. The at-fault driver was a commercial driver—and his employer has a million-dollar liability policy. In this case, you might not have to worry about being undercompensated for your losses.

However, let’s change one variable. If that at-fault, distracted driver was uninsured, you’re going to have to rely on your own Med Pay and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) policies for compensation—and you might receive a lot less money.

Some other basic, pre-existing factors that might affect your settlement could include:

  • Your age and life expectancy. Younger people tend to get higher settlements, since they will likely require care over a greater time frame.
  • Your occupation. If your injuries leave you unable to work, you will be able to claim greater wage losses if you have a higher-paying job.
  • The amount of insurance coverage you have available. This is huge for bikers, since treating motorcycle injuries is frequently much more costly than the minimum liability coverage limits carried by other motorists. We strongly urge all motorcycle riders to purchase as much uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage (UI/UIM) and no-fault Med Pay insurance coverage as they can reasonably afford under their auto insurance policy.
  • The determination of fault. If the other motorist was clearly at fault, you are in a much stronger negotiating position. If, however, fault in the accident is shared or disputed, settlement offers will be lower. Additionally, any damages you claim will be reduced by the percentage of fault that you are determined to have. And in both Georgia and South Carolina, if you are found to be more than 50% at fault, you cannot recover anything.
  • Whether you wore a helmet that meets safety standards. Motorcycle helmets aren’t just there to protect you from severe injuries or death. If you weren’t wearing one at the time of the crash (particularly in Georgia, where helmets are mandatory for all motorcycle riders), the insurance company might argue that your own negligence was a major factor in causing your injuries.
settlement for a motorcycle accident
motorcycle accident settlement

Can Bias Against Motorcycle Riders Affect My Case

Without the protection of an enclosed vehicle, bikers are far more vulnerable in a crash. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, on a per-mile basis motorcyclists are 4 times more likely to be injured and an incredible 29 times more likely to be killed on the road than those driving or riding in cars. Bikers who survive often suffer serious injuries (broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, etc.) that require extensive medical care, and potentially cause lifelong impairments.

However, many people have subtle biases against bikers. They see motorcycle riders as irresponsible and reckless—even if you followed all the rules of the road. These implicit biases can negatively affect your case’s settlement value—especially if you’re trying to handle it yourself.

Our team doesn’t make assumptions about your case just because you were riding a motorcycle. Instead, we carefully investigate our clients’ cases, collecting evidence like surveillance footage, eyewitness testimony, and even GPS-based vehicle data to pinpoint the exact cause of a wreck. Then, we work hard to explain these complicated concepts to insurance adjusters, judges, and juries, helping people get the compensation that they truly deserve.

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Practical Tips for Maximizing Your Settlement

The ultimate value of a case isn’t 100% predetermined by the conditions that were present at the time of the crash. There are several steps you can take to protect your legal rights and ensure you have the strongest possible case when negotiating a settlement.

Some of the most important tips include:

  • Keep detailed records. Document everything—your medical expenses, travel costs to and from appointments, the physical pain and suffering you’re experiencing that day, etc. The more detailed and accurate your records are, the less room the insurer will have to dispute your personal injury claim.
  • Avoid social media. At a minimum, do not post about the accident on any of your social networks. But it might be even better to avoid social media entirely until your case is settled. Even something as innocent as a status update or a photo of you engaging in a physical activity could be used by the insurance company as evidence that you’re not as injured as you say you are.
  • Seek medical treatment right away, even if your symptoms seem minor. Symptoms can worsen over time, including for very serious injuries like traumatic brain injuries. Seeking a doctor right away is not only a smart decision for your health, but also for your accident case. If wait several days (or longer) to get medical care, the insurance company will use that to argue your injuries are not that bad.
  • Don’t take the first settlement offer. How often do you think the first offer the insurance company makes is a fair one? In our experience, almost never. They are trying to settle your insurance claim as quickly as possible, as cheaply as possible. The insurance adjuster is not your friend.
  • Before you talk to anyone at the insurance company, talk to a motorcycle accident attorney. Again: the claims adjuster is not your friend. Don’t admit fault, don’t give any statements, don’t even talk to anyone at the insurance company before you seek out legal advice. A personal injury lawyer can help protect you from making simple yet all-too-common mistakes that can weaken your case.

RELATED: Why You Should Not Represent Yourself In Your Motorcycle Accident Case

how much is a good settlement for a motorcycle accident
how much is a good settlement for a motorcycle accident

The Brown Firm: Fighting for Injured Bikers in Georgia and South Carolina

If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, your first priority should be making sure you get excellent medical treatment and focus on your healing. Recovering from motorcycle injuries is no simple task. You shouldn’t have to deal with defending your legal rights against the insurance company, too.

At The Brown Firm, our team of attorneys have represented injured motorcyclists in negotiations with insurance companies for years, and consistently win great settlements and jury verdicts for our clients. We work closely with top experts in the medical world, accident re-constructionists, and more to build our clients the strongest possible cases.

If you or a loved one have been hurt in a motorcycle accident in Georgia or South Carolina, contact our law firm today for a free consultation. Dial (912) 324-2498 or complete our online contact form to get started.


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Motorcycle Safety. Retrieved from https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/motorcycles

O.C.G.A. § 51-12-5.1 (2010)

S.C. Code § 15-32-200 (2005)

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

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motorcycle accident settlement

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Will Not Wearing A Helmet Affect My Motorcycle Case?

If you’re ever involved in a motorcycle accident, one of the first things your insurance company will ask you if you were wearing a helmet.

Wearing a helmet is beneficial in many ways. For one, they can protect you from severe head injuries like traumatic brain injuries.

They can literally save your life.

But they can also benefit you financially.

Many motorcycle riders don’t realize it, but their use of motorcycle helmets, or lack thereof, is a critical and often controversial part of motorcycle accident claims and lawsuits.

Most states these days, Georgia included, have universal mandatory motorcycle helmet laws that require all riders to wear a helmet at all times.

If you’re riding your motorcycle and you’re involved in an accident, and you weren’t wearing a helmet, it is guaranteed that the insurance company of the other party will use that fact against you and try to give you a higher percentage of fault in the accident.

Not wearing a motorcycle helmet will definitely affect your motorcycle case.

Continue reading below to learn more about motorcycle accidents and how not wearing a helmet can affect your case according to our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys.


I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


How Does Motorcycle Helmet Usage Affect Motorcycle Accident Claims? 

All motorcycle accident claims hinge on the concept of negligence.

If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident, you have to prove that the other party was responsible for the accident to get them to pay for your damages.

When evaluating your case, the insurance companies or the courts will look at several factors involved in the case to determine liability.

They will work to determine:

  • If speed was a factor in the accident
  • If a driver made a turn without looking for oncoming traffic
  • If a driver was driving distracted
  • If drugs or alcohol were a factor in the accident
  • If any citations were issued at the scene

And finally, they will ask if you were wearing your helmet.

And if you were, they’ll make sure it meets all national safety standards.

Like speeding or driving distracted, not wearing a helmet while riding your motorcycle breaches your duty of care to others on the road and can be evidence of fault or negligence, legally speaking.

Once all of the facts of the case have been reviewed, the insurance company will assign fault to each party involved.

So, if the other driver was speeding and driving distracted, and you weren’t wearing your helmet, the other driving may be assigned 80% of the fault while you are assigned 20%.

This is due to comparative negligence law.

This can be extremely frustrating, especially if you know the accident was 100% caused by the other driver.

After all, why should you get less for your damages if the accident wasn’t at all your fault?

The insurance will argue that even though you weren’t responsible for the accident, you are responsible for your injuries because you weren’t wearing a helmet.

They’ll say that your injuries wouldn’t have been as severe if you were wearing a helmet.

That’s how you can be twenty percent at fault for the accident, even if your actions didn’t cause it.

Can I Fight Helmet Usage Arguments? 

You will need to be able to provide a substantial amount of evidence if you want to fight allegations that not wearing a helmet affected the severity of your injuries.

The two most important pieces of evidence you will need are medical records and witness testimony from a medical expert.

You don’t want to do this alone, so you will also need a motorcycle accident lawyer who can help you gather this evidence.

Your accident attorney will collect all of your medical records and find a local medical expert with experience with the legal claims process to provide legal testimony.

If a medical expert states that the severity of your injury was not affected by your lack of a motorcycle helmet, you have a much better shot at recovering more damages in your personal injury claim.

Contact The Brown Firm If You’ve Been Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

No one should try to take on the insurance companies on their own, especially motorcycle accident victims.

An experienced motorcycle accident attorney from The Brown Firm will look out for your legal interests while you focus on your physical recovery.

They will work to increase the value of your accident claim against the negligent driver, even if you weren’t wearing a helmet.

Don’t expect the insurance companies to negotiate with you fairly, either.

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, don’t wait any longer to speak with our team of motorcycle accident lawyers.

Contact The Brown Firm by clicking the button below to schedule your Free Consultations.

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You’ll notice the difference when you contact The Brown Firm! Our local dedicated attorneys want to help you recover and rebuild. We serve all of Georgia and South Carolina from four conveniently located offices.

Schedule your free consultation by calling (912) 324-2498 or completing our simple online form.

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If you or a loved one were injured and need help, our skilled personal injury lawyers will be at your side every step of the way.

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What Is The Number One Cause Of Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle riding is a favorite pastime for many Americans.

As soon as spring rolls around and the flowers start blooming, the motorcycle engines start booming.

But, a sunny afternoon drive in the spring can quickly turn disastrous.

Motorcycle accidents happen out of nowhere resulting in catastrophic injuries and even death.

Because you lack the surrounding protective structure other vehicles have, you are more likely to suffer severe or fatal injuries when you’re involved in an accident.

There is no such thing as a minor motorcycle accident.

On average, motorcyclists are 27 times more likely than people in a passenger car to die in a car crash per mile traveled. They are also five times as likely to suffer an injury.

Based on these statistics alone, everyone who rides a motorcycle should learn about the common causes of motorcycle accidents to prepare themselves against them.

Several things can cause motorcycle accidents, including negligence on behalf of the motorcycle driver.

But, many accidents are due to the negligence of the other drivers on the road.

But what is the number one cause of motorcycle accidents?

In the article below, we will look at several causes of motorcycle accidents and determine the number one cause of motorcycle accidents.


I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


Cars Making Left-Hand Turns

One of the most dangerous situations a motorcycle will ever be in is when they come across cars making left-hand turns.

It seems simple enough, but these collisions make up 42% of all accidents that involve a motorcycle and another vehicle.

The turning car usually hits the motorcycle when going straight through an intersection, trying to pass the car, or overtaking it.

These accidents are pretty common among passenger vehicles as well, but the smaller size and the less visibility with motorcycles make these accidents even more common.

In a vast majority of these cases, the vehicle making the left hand turn will be found at fault for the accident.

There are certain situations where the motorcycle could be found at least partially fault, like if they were speeding or in the wrong lane.

Hazardous Road Conditions

Motorcycles are incredibly vulnerable to dangerous road conditions.

Something a car could easily recover from could prove to be fatal for a motorcyclist.

Things like slippery surfaces, loose gravel, uneven pavement, or any debris in the roadway cause countless motorcycle accidents.

Again, because motorcycles are so much smaller than passenger vehicles and don’t have as much stability, they are more susceptible to unsafe road conditions.

Head-On Collisions

Crashes between a motorcycle and another vehicle make up 56% of death from motorcycle accidents.

78% of these accidents are head-on collisions. And a majority of these head-on collisions prove to be fatal for the person on the motorcycle.

Depending on the accident itself, the motorcycle driver can be crushed or thrown through the air during a head-on collision. Neither of these situations has a good ending for the motorcyclist.

Because head-on collisions often occur at high speeds, it means that the driver of the motorcycle’s chance of severe injury or even death increases dramatically.

Related Blog: Will Not Wearing a Helmet Affect My Motorcycle Accident Case?

Motorcycle Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is when a motorcycle drives between two lanes of cars, typically during a traffic jam.

Lane splitting can easily cause an accident because the motorcycle is so close to the other vehicles on the road, the motorcycle has less space to maneuver around the cars, and the cars don’t expect a motorcycle to pass them in a traffic jam.

It may seem like the motorcyclist would always be at-fault for these types of accidents, but it depends on the laws for or against lane splitting in their state, how the police officer and judge feel about lane splitting and the actions that led to the accident.

Reckless Driving, Speeding, and Alcohol Use

Like accidents of any type, reckless driving, speeding, and alcohol use are common causes of motorcycle accidents.

Accidents are more likely to occur when the motorcycle or other passenger vehicle is speeding, driving distracted, driving aggressively, or driving under the influence of alcohol.

Some motorcyclists, especially if they own high-end supersport bikes, love reaching dangerously high speeds. This isn’t safe.

Corner Turning Motorcycle Accidents 

Corners can be very dangerous to people riding motorcycles.

Even though motorcycles are designed to have a lot of control around corners, it can be challenging to compensate or correct yourself while you’re driving around a sharp turn.

It’s very easy to hit road debris when you’re rounding a corner, making it very easy to wipe out.

It’s also easy to misjudge how tight a turn is, especially if you’ve never driven on the road before. This even happens in passenger vehicles.

If a motorcyclist takes a turn too fast or too hard and they do wipeout, they are at risk for further injury from other vehicles and possible road hazards.

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The Number 1 Cause of Motorcycle Accidents 

And finally, the most common cause of motorcycle accidents is the failure of other motorists on the road to detect and recognize motorcycles on the road.

The limited visibility due to the bikes’ small size can make it hard for even the most attentive driver to see a motorcycle coming.

It can be hard to see a motorcycle on the road due to glare or being obstructed by something else on the road and just flat out not paying attention.

It should come as no surprise that intersections are extremely dangerous for motorcyclists. They are a common place for a motorcycle accident to occur.

Even the safest, most skilled motorcyclist can’t avoid an accident if the other cars on the road don’t see them.

Contact The Brown Firm Today

There you have it. The number one cause of motorcycle accidents is something you can’t prepare for.

All you can do is drive defensively and assume you are invisible on the road.

If you have been in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of another driver, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Then, you need to speak to a personal injury lawyer who specializes in motorcycle accident injury cases.

The Brown Firm will stop at nothing to help you receive the maximum compensation you deserve after a car accident.

The Brown Firm has been helping the hurt get what they deserve for over 30 years.

If you were recently injured in a motorcycle accident and believe the accident was caused by someone else, please do not hesitate to contact an experienced attorney at The Brown Firm for help.

To schedule a free consultation with The Brown Firm so they can review your case, click the button below.

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You’ll notice the difference when you contact The Brown Firm! Our local dedicated attorneys want to help you recover and rebuild.

Schedule your free consultation by calling (800) 529-1441 or completing our simple online form.

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If you or a loved one were injured and need help, our skilled personal injury lawyers will be at your side every step of the way.

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Five Things Everybody Needs To Know About Motorcycle Accidents

Riding motorcycles is an extremely popular hobby that continues to grow year after year.

There are roughly 9 million motorcycles on the road today.

However, the unfortunate reality of the hobby is that accidents take place quite frequently, and the riders can face catastrophic and life-threatening injuries.

Motorcycles leave you completely exposed, leaving you at the mercy of the drivers you share the road with.

If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, here’s why you should not represent yourself in your motorcycle accident case

In the article below, we are going to discuss five things everyone should know about motorcycles, in hopes of seeing accident rates drop.

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


1.  The Likelihood Of Severe Injuries Is Extremely High

As we’ve already mentioned, motorcyclists and their passengers are more vulnerable to accidents and injuries because there are no seat belts, metal frames, or air bags to protect them.

As a result, the majority of motorcycle accidents result in severe and even fatal injuries.

Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries, such as:

  • Bone fractures or breaks
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Injuries to the knees, ankles, or legs
  • Neck and shoulder injuries
  • Cuts and abrasions
  • Paralysis
  • Amputation

These injuries often require extensive medical care, rehabilitation, and in some cases can be permanently disabling.

The accidents can also cause a great deal of stress, emotional trauma, and financial hardships.

All of these factors combine to make for a very expensive ongoing situation that can impact your entire family.

2. Wearing Your Helmet Reduces The Risk Of Death By 37%

Georgia is one of 19 states that require its motorcycle riders always to wear a helmet, and for good reason.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that helmets are about 37% effective at preventing motorcycle deaths and a whopping 67 percent effective at preventing brain injuries.

For this reason, everyone should always wear a helmet when riding their bike.

Some riders have an unfounded fear that a helmet is going to restrict their vision.

According to the NHTSA, helmets reduce your peripheral vision by less than 3% and do not hinder your ability to hear.

So there’s no reason not to grab your helmet before your next ride.

3. Half Of All Single-Vehicle Fatal Crashes Involve Alcohol

The best way, and perhaps most obvious way, to reduce your chances of a motorcycle accident is to avoid drinking and driving.

This should be common sense, but we’ll talk about it here just in case it isn’t for some.

Avoiding drinking and driving can cut your chances of a fatal single-vehicle crash in half.

Of course, other people around you can still drink and drive, so there’s no way to eliminate the danger completely.

Sober drivers have quicker reflexes and can counter steer or swerve much more effectively.

Without even talking about the legal ramifications, driving while intoxicated can also prevent you from recovering any compensation for your injuries.

If you are injured while intoxicated, you are more likely to be found negligent, reducing the amount of compensation you receive close to zero, if anything.

4. Motorcycles are 27x Deadlier Than Cars

A fatality is possible in a car or motorcycle accident, so neither method of transportation is completely safe.

More people die in car accidents in motorcycles, but that’s only because more people ride in cars than on motorcycles.

The federal government compares deaths per mile traveled and has found that the death rate of people riding motorcycles is more than 27x that of people riding in other vehicles.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, because cars are much safer than motorcycles.

Fortunately, riders can reduce the danger of riding a motorcycle by taking a motorcycle safety course.

More than 90% of people involved in accidents haven’t taken any kind of safety training course.

5. Half Of Motorcycle Collisions Happen At Intersections

When approaching an intersection, you should always watch out for vehicles that might pull out from a driveway or side street.

Vehicles can turn in front of you, so keep an eye out for that as well.

Intersections are particularly dangerous because parked vehicles, buildings, overhanging tree branches, or shrubbery can limit your vision.

Because of the obstructions, you might never see a vehicle approaching you and pull out into the intersection, thinking it’s clear.

You can protect yourself by slowing down and double-checking that no traffic is coming.

Prepare to react quickly, if necessary, because other vehicles on the road could be driving carelessly around motorcycles.

You might not see them, and they might not see you.

If a vehicle hits you through no fault of your own, you could receive compensation.

Injured motorcyclists can receive reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages, pain, and suffering, and the loss of companionship from their spouse.

Contact A Georgia Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you’ve suffered an injury on your motorcycle through no fault of your own, you deserve compensation.

Compensation that will help you and your family rebuild their lives after your accident.

The lawyers at The Brown Firm have years of experience helping people just like you.

They will fight tooth and nail to get you every dollar you deserve.

To get started with The Brown Firm, and to get what you’re owed, click the button below.

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The Truth About Motorcycle Accidents (Infographic)

Motorcyclists need a different combination of physical and mental skills from driving a four-wheeled vehicle. When operating a motorcycle, since it’s smaller, more exposed, and less visible to other vehicles that a miscalculation can cause severe injuries and damage to everyone involved.

In 2017, there were 37,133 people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the United States roadways with 14% of these fatalities involved motorcycles. Of the 5,286 motorcyclists that died in traffic crashes in 2016, 94 percent were riders while 6 percent were passengers.

More than half of motorcyclist’s deaths involve at least one other vehicle, and 42% of these accidents occur when cars are making left-hand turns while the motorcycle is either going straight through an intersection or is trying to pass or overtake the vehicle.

Fifty-three percent of motorcyclist fatalities occur on major roads other than interstates and freeways, and they’re more likely to happen in urban areas.

Here are some quick and easy way to settle your Georgia motorcycle accident case while still maximizing your compensation.

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


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Quick and Easy Ways to Settle Your Georgia Motorcycle Accident Case While Still Maximizing Your Compensation

Motorcycle Accidents are a common occurrence in Georgia, leaving many people severely injured and in need of a Personal Injury Attorney.How to settle my motorcycle accident case in Georgia?

Settling a Motorcycle Accident Injury case is similar to a car accident case.

Successful Motorcycle Accident cases are able to prove the other driver’s negligence and fault for the collision.

It is up to your attorney to investigate, gather, and interpret the evidence and details of your accident.

It will also be up to your attorney to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf for an agreeable settlement.

Related post: man dies in Riverdale motorcycle crash.

Some of the factors of your motorcycle accident claim that will help speed up the settlement process include the following:

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.

Proper Medical Documentation

After being involved in a motorcycle wreck, it is crucial to seek medical treatment. Even if you are feeling fine, a medical expert should evaluate your condition.

Even if you are feeling fine, a medical expert should evaluate your condition and provide a diagnosis for your injuries.

It is possible to obtain internal injuries in a motorcycle crash, be in shock, or experience physical and emotional trauma that may not be immediately apparent to you.

By having your condition and injuries documented by a medical professional, it will allow the insurance adjuster to gather a full picture of your physical and emotional conditions before the accident occurred and after.

Many motorcycle accident injuries result in extensive medical treatment and bills. By seeing a doctor and following their care plan, it will be much harder for an insurance company to refute your injuries and deny your settlement compensation.

Having a comprehensive medical record may help appropriate a value for your case. By not seeking medical treatment or waiting too long to receive treatment, your case may be undervalued during the negotiation process. It may also leave you stuck with paying your medical bills when it should be the negligent party’s responsibility.

Seeking medical treatment and following the Doctor’s orders will help speed up the settlement process as well as add value to your final settlement offer.

Proper Documentation of the Accident

If you are able, it is imperative to document as much as possible after being involved in an accident.

Obviously, if you are rushed to the hospital this may be next to impossible, but, if you can, be sure to take photographs of the scene, the damage to your bike, and to Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Georgia yourself.

The police should be immediately notified of the accident so they can gather information for you of other potential witnesses and the other driver(s) involved. Having a police report stating the other driver’s negligence will be another strength added to your accident injury case.

The other driver’s insurance company will not be able to put the fault on you if there is a police record stating the other person’s fault and negligence.

Your attorney will use the police report as further proof of the other driver’s fault when negotiating a settlement.

Notify Insurance Companies

Once the police have been notified and you have seen a medical professional, you will need to notify your insurance company and the offending drivers of the accident.

Insurance companies have requirements on when they need to be notified if you wish to file a claim. Lack of proper notice may result in a denial of your claim and could hurt your chances of success.

It is also important to remember not to answer any questions or give a statement regarding the accident. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong party could cost you your only chance at receiving a settlement.

If you are filing a claim, let your attorney handle all of the negotiations, they are trained to deal with insurance companies and know exactly what to say to ensure you receive the compensation that you deserve.

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Consult with a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

When you are involved in a motorcycle wreck and believe it was caused by someone else’s negligence, it is important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.

The Brown Firm Attorneys specialize in representing the victims of personal injury and can even provide you with a Doctor referral to treat your injuries and provide the Georgia Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorneyneeded documentation to support your case.

If you are injured and need an attorney to fight for your legal rights and help you receive the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve, do not wait to contact our firm.

We provide a free consultation with our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys to let you know how we can assist with your case.

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Man Dies In Riverdale Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycle Accidents often end in severe injuries or even fatalities due to the lack of protection that they provide the motorcyclist. Just like any motor vehicle accident, being involved in a motorcycle crash can be devastating and life changing. 

Many lives were affected in Riverdale, GA when a 40 year old male died in an early morning motorcycle crash. 

The Clayton County police are investigating the accident. They believe that a car was heading south in the early morning on Highway 85 in Riverdale, Ga when a man riding north bound on a motorcycle struck the car on the passenger side. 

There were no reported injuries of the motor vehicle driver, however, the motorcyclist lost his life. No charges against the driver of the car have been filed at this time. 

Not all motorcycle accidents result in death, but this unfortunate accident caused a man to lose his life. Even if a crash does not cause a fatality, many accidents leave the victims with severe injuries and damages. 

Check out our related post: How much is my motorcycle accident injury settlement worth?


I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


Why You Should Hire An Attorney 

If you or a loved one has been involved in a Motorcycle Accident in Georgia that was not your fault, you may need the help of an experienced Personal Injury Attorney to help you receive compensation for your injuries. 

The Brown Firm specializes in Personal Injury cases related to Motorcycle Accidents and has a team of expert lawyers that will provide you with a free consultation to see how to best handle your unique case.

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How Much is my Motorcycle Accident Injury Settlement Worth?

How Much Is My Motorcycle Accident Injury Settlement Worth?

Motorcycle Accidents can cause serious injuries and damages to everyone who is involved. Many motorcycle crashes require medical treatment, bike repairs, and possible missed time at work.

If you are the victim of a collision that was not your fault and wish to file a Personal Injury lawsuit against the negligent driver, you should consider the help of an experienced Georgia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer to help you receive the best settlement for your injuries and damages.

Motorcycle Accident damages usually depend on the types of losses that you obtain from the crash. In most cases you will be able to claim compensation for the following losses:

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


Medical Expenses

Being injured in a motorcycle accident often leads to extensive medical treatment. The medical costs that you receive as a result of the motorcycle crash can be submitted as part of your injury claim.

This may also apply for any future medical expenses, as long as proper documentation for the attending medical provider indicates the necessity to continue treatment.


Lost Wages

Motorcycle Accident injuries, whether they are severe or minor, may result in missed time from work. The more severe injuries may lead to extended time lost from the workplace. There

are many jobs that you will not compensate you if you are not there. Proof of missed time at work can be submitted as part of your personal injury settlement claim. 

Property Damage

Getting into any crash with a Bike typically leaves you with damages to repair. Even a minor impact may cause expensive damages.

The cost for your motorcycle repairs will be included in your settlement options. Also, if you must use an additional form of transportation until your bike is fixed, your rental fees may also be included in your reimbursement.


Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering expenses can be the most difficult form of compensation to calculate into a settlement.

This amount will depend greatly on the types of injuries that you suffered, as well as, the nature and extent of the resulting medical treatment. In many cases, the insurance company is not willing to pay pain and suffering damages unless proper documentation of your injuries and medical expenses can be provided in a timely manner.

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Hire A Trusted Attorney

Hiring an attorney who understands your legal rights and the complicated process of filing a personal injury claim will be the most important step to receiving the settlement you deserve for your motorcycle accident case.

The Brown Firm has a team of expert Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyers throughout Georgia throughout Georgia who specialize in helping people who have suffered due to the negligence of others. It is our goal to help you receive the best settlement possible for your injuries and damages that you suffered.

If you would like a free consultation with one of our Georgia Personal Injury Attorneys to see how much your motorcycle accident may be worth, click on the link below.

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7 Georgia Motorcycle Safety Tips for Summer

Motorcyclists are the most vulnerable motorists on the road. Unfortunately, it is a known fact that common motorcycle accident injuries most often result in serious injury or even death. Spring and summer are just around the corner and with them come warm weather and motorcycles. As each day passes, more and more motorcycles will make their entrance onto the open road.

It may be hard to believe, but over six million motorcycles are on highways and roads during the peak warm weather seasons. Each day closer to summer will produce longer daylight which brings riding into the late evening, but dusk riding also presents drastically reduced visibility. That is in addition to the heavy rains that we all know spring consistently delivers.

So, as riders gear up for another summer on their bikes, we have compiled a list of safety tips to ensure that you and your loved ones are taking all the necessary precautions to avoid preventable accidents before you, and your bike hit the pavement this year.

  • Motor Cycle Inspection:

If this is the first time your bike has been out since last season, make sure to give it a thorough inspection. Check your tire tread and air pressure. Test headlights, taillights, signals, and brake lights. Be certain that all of these lights and signals are functioning properly; this choice could be the difference between life and death for those who enjoy riding at night.

  • Summer Gear:

Wearing the correct gear is critical. In the summer it is important to stay cool, visible, and protected all at the same time. It is extremely important to stay protected while riding, but some find this difficult during the hot summer months. Well, there are actually many gear options specifically designed for riding when it is very hot.

These specially designed products include helmets, gloves, footwear and more. Riders must realize the importance of protective gear despite the temptation of wearing less in the summer. Reflective clothing, or adding reflectors to your gear is also a good idea.

For those riders who like to stay out through dusk and into the night are at an increased risk for an accident because drivers lack visibility. If you are not keen on gear with reflectors or reflective paint all over it, it is common for dark colored gear to be equipped with subtle, but effective, reflective seams and trim. There truly is something for everyone to remain safe in this summer

  • Refresher Course:

Most motorcyclists do not ever review what they have learned in their safety course after they receive their license. It would be advantageous to take a refresher course to boost your knowledge and remind yourself of important safety practices before getting back out on the road this season.

  • Prepare for Inclement Weather:

Always check the weather before leaving the house, but most riders know the weatherman is not always dependable. Make sure to prepare for rain, wind, extreme heat, or chilly nights. Spring usually brings consistent daily rain showers, and summer temperatures can vary from morning to night erratically as well.

  • Drive Defensively:

Remember not all motorists are as cautious as they should be when driving, so make sure to stay alert and drive defensively. Keep an adequate distance between yourself and all other vehicles. Avoid riding in blind spots and use your lights during the day and night. Be aware of the road and avoid puddles, uneven surfaces, gravel, debris, and large potholes. Riding in the rain or on paint lines can make the road slick and hard for your bike to gain ample traction.

  • Passenger Riding:

Riding with a passenger can be fun, but make sure you have the appropriate gear and safety wear for them as well. It is also important to instruct first-time passengers about the bike, how it moves, and where to hold on. Be sure to communicate your preferences and what you do not like to keep you both safe. And remember, do not try to ride with another person until you have had plenty of solo riding experience.

  • Respect Driving Laws:

Resist the temptation to test your riding abilities and perform stunts or tricks on public roads. There are designated off-road courses of this type of behavior. Also, do not tailgate other drivers or weave between lanes. This negligent behavior will often result in an accident injuring you and any passengers.

And while in traffic, resist the urge to ride between traffic lanes or on the berm of the road. You are a motorized vehicle and expected to uphold the same laws as everyone else.

Keep these tips in mind this summer for the best chances of a very safe riding experience.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a motorcycle accident because of another motorist’s negligent driving behavior, despite taking the necessary precautions, then contact Georgia’s best Motorcycle attorneys at The Brown Firm today for a Free Consultation! 

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


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Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries


Motorcycle drivers are one of the most vulnerable groups of motorists on the road. The small size of their motorcycles makes it harder to be seen by other vehicles on the road. Motorcycles lack the protection that a car or truck provides, which can increase the severity of their injuries in the event of a collision. 

Motorcycle accidents are a threat to any driver, especially the motorcyclist. Not only should those riding the motorcycles be aware of the risk, but so should other drivers who need to take time to watch for them. Obtaining an injury from an accident is almost guaranteed, and motorcycle injuries can be life-threatening. According to the national highway traffic safety administration, or NHTSA, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely as passenger car occupants to die in a collision.

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


Head Injuries

Although you can be injured on any part of the body, the most common injury from a motorcycle accident is a head injury, including a concussion or brain damage. This is true for the driver as well as a passenger riding with them. The brain can receive varying levels of damage from mild traumatic brain injury to very severe. This is especially true for motorcyclists who do not wear helmets. Helmets could mean the difference between life or death after an accident. 

Spinal Injuries

A Spinal injury is a very serious injury that can be life-threatening, especially if the proper gear is not being worn while operating a motorcycle. It would be wise to invest in a backplate and body armor to give your vertebrae some assistance in case of an accident. Like most injuries, there is no way to tell how severe your spinal cord injury could be until you are examined by a professional because it could come on immediately or over time as swelling increases. Spinal cord injuries can be long term or permanent and should be taken seriously.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are a very common injury from motorcycle accidents. Many different scenarios can lead to broken bones, such as getting trapped underneath the bike, using your arms to try and break your fall, smashing your ribs or collar bones, and being crushed by another vehicle. 

Road Rash

Road rash is very common after a motorcycle crash, as it is a skin abrasion from rubbing against the pavement. Protective gear such as leather clothing can lower the risk of getting road rash in the case of a crash.

Lower Extremity Injuries

Motorcycle crashes often result in lower extremity injuries. These could include the broken bones and road rash we already discussed, but also muscle damage and nerve damage. Wearing protective gear can help keep your skin safer and lower your risk of these common injuries.


What Should I do if I am involved in a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle crashes often cause severe injuries to the driver. If you are involved in a motorcycle crash and are not severely injured and are able to, there are a few steps that will help you secure maximum compensation for your injuries.

First, get out of the way of harm if the accident happened on a busy street. And then call the police.

Second, gather as much information as possible, which includes getting pictures of the scene and vehicles involved, getting the other drivers’ personal information, getting vehicle information, and statements from any witnesses.

Third, seek out medical attention. Even if you think you were not injured, getting medical attention is essential, as some injuries, such as whiplash, take time to start to present themselves.

Finally, contact a personal injury lawyer that handles motorcycle injuries. Many offer a free consultation.

What Can I be compensated for in a motorcycle accident case?

Although every case is different, Motorcycle accident cases typically include:

  • Property Damage
  • Medical Bills
  • Loss of Wages
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Loss of Consortium

What if I wasn’t wearing a helmet?

Depending on what state you are in, whether or not you wore a helmet can significantly impact your motorcycle accident case. In Georgia, where it is required by law for motorcycle riders and their passengers to wear a helmet, the defendant can argue that you acted negligently by not wearing one. Also, wearing a helmet makes you 37% less likely to die, according to the CDC, so all motorcyclists should wear one for their safety and follow the law!

Not wearing a helmet may cause the motorcyclist to be seriously injured and result in less compensation in a lawsuit. If the primary injuries were due to head trauma, your settlement would be reduced by the percent of the injury that was caused by neglecting to wear a helmet.

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Call The Brown Firm

Many people enjoy riding a motorcycle, but all motorcyclists and other drivers should be aware of the risk of an accident. 

This is just a list of a few of the common injuries for motorcycle riders due to accidents. It is very common for vehicle operators to be unaware of a motorcyclist, especially if they are in the driver’s blind spot. Accidents frequently happen due to the negligence of another driver.

Sustaining an injury after a motorcycle accident can be life-changing. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages and injuries.

You will not want to fight this legal battle alone.

You need to focus on healing from your injuries and let our lawyers work to get you compensation! The Brown Firm is a law firm that has attorneys who are skilled at helping injured motorcyclists. Their Motorcycle Injury Attorneys offer a free consultation, so pick up the phone and call now!

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4 Motorcycle Safety Tips

Motorcycles are a fun a fuel efficient way to travel and get from place to place. However, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, you are 30 times more likely to die in a Motorcycle Accident than in a car accident. Operating a motorcycle may be very dangerous even for a skilled driver, so there are several precautions you should take to protect yourself. Below are 4 Motorcycle Safety Tips that can help save your life.

1. Wear Safety Gear: For maximum protection it is essential to wear leather or specifically designed jacket, pants, gloves and over the ankle foot wear even in the Summer. The proper gear will help protect you from wind chill, road rash or debris.

It is also important to choose gear in bright colors to alert other drivers of your presence on the road. You will want to make sure you wear effective eye protection. Wearing a full-faced helmet that is approved by the Department of Transportation is the most essential way to not only protect your eyes but also your head.

Wearing the proper helmet will reduce the risk of dying in an accident by 37 percentClick here for more information.

2. Use Anti-Lock Brake System: If your Motorcycle does not come with an anti-lock brake system it would be wise to invest in one. Having this system will prevent your wheels from locking up, which in turn will prevent skids and serious falls. Anti-lock brakes also help you retain steering control in an emergency stop situation.

3. Be Alert At All Times: There are many ways to become distracted while driving, it is crucial to pay attention to other drivers who may be changing lanes without looking, pulling out from a side street or braking unexpectedly. You cannot expect other drivers to be watching for you so it is up to you to be on the defense at all times while operating a Motorcycle.

4. Stay off the Road During Bad Weather: Your visibility is limited when driving in the rain. The tires on your motorcycle will have a reduced grip on the road which will make turning the corner potentially hazardous. Use caution when using the throttle, steering or braking in order to avoid slipping on wet pavement.

Most Motorcycle Accidents will result in a serious injury or even death. Make sure to keep these tips in mind before operating a motorcycle, they may be the difference between life and death.

If you are in need of legal protection because of a Motorcycle Accident Injury our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Georgia can help. Call the Brown Firm today at (912)-200-9755 or click the link below.

Interested to learn more? Check out these 4 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring an Attorney.

I met with Harry Brown personally and he sat with me for 20 minutes at our initial consultation to explain everything. He even called after my surgery to see how I was doing. I met with him several more times after that and was kept informed about my case throughout. I highly recommend Harry Brown as an attorney.


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