Disability Benefits

What are Disability Benefits?

Being able to provide for oneself independently when you have a disability can be challenging and overwhelming at times. You might be eligible for financial assistance to compensate for lost wages, regardless of whether your condition is temporary or permanent. It’s possible that a personal injury attorney from our firm can assist you in this matter.

What Are the Different Types of Disability Benefits?

If you are unable to work due to a medical condition, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the federal government. Your eligibility for these benefits, which are provided as a component of the Social Security program, will be determined by a number of factors, including your current health status as well as how much (or how little) you have worked in the past. The following are the two categories of benefits:

  • People who are eligible for Social Security Disability benefits are those who have worked for at least some portion of the past ten years. There is no minimum income requirement in order to qualify for SSDI.
  • Supplemental Security Income is available to anyone who has a very low income, regardless of whether or not they have worked.

The number of “credits” you have earned through previous Social Security deductions will determine whether or not you have worked enough to qualify for benefits. You should have enough work credits to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance if you worked full-time for most or all of the previous ten years. If you worked fewer than full-time hours or only worked on an irregular basis, your situation may be more complicated, and you should discuss it with a Social Security disability lawyer as soon as possible.

Who is Responsible for Handling Disability Benefits?

The Social Security Administration, which is a federal agency, is in charge of both the Supplemental Security Income and the Supplemental Security Income. Nevertheless, the application process for benefits is managed independently by each state in accordance with federal regulations. Disability Adjudication Services is the name of the department in Georgia that is in charge of administering SSDI benefits.

Your initial request will be processed and evaluated by a member of the government staff who specializes in handling disability claims when you first make it. In the event that your claim is denied and you decide to appeal the decision, the case may ultimately be heard by a judge.

The application process for SSI benefits is a little bit different. The administration of the state’s supplementary Social Security Income (SSI) benefits falls under the purview of the Georgia Department of Human Resources, which is located in the state of Georgia.

What is the Maximum Amount of Money I Can Receive for Disability Benefits?

The amount is based on your lifetime income average up until the point that you became disabled. For illustration’s sake, let’s say that you worked your entire life and managed to amass an annual salary of $32,000. This figure will serve as the baseline income that is utilized in the calculation of your benefits.

The following is a range of benefits that you can anticipate receiving:

  • The majority of recipients will receive a monthly amount ranging from $700 to $1,700.
  • In 2016, the amount that was paid on a monthly basis on average was $1,166
  • The highest monthly payment that can be given to you in 2016 is $2,639.

When It Comes to Receiving Disability Benefits From Social Security, What Qualifies as a "Disability"?

The government uses a very specific and limited definition. According to the regulations of SSDI, a disability must fulfill both of the following criteria:

  • Your condition prevents you from performing any significant amount of work.
  • Your condition has either been present for a year or more, is expected to last a year or more, or is terminal.

It makes no difference what type of condition you have if you meet these requirements and have medical documentation to back up your claim. Physical injuries, neurological disorders, back pain, diseases such as cancer, and even mental illnesses can all be considered disabilities. However, the Social Security Administration has an official list of conditions that typically cause disabilities, and if your condition is on this list, it will be easier to qualify.

What Disabilities Are Most Common?

Although a disability can manifest itself in many different ways, the cases that our benefits law firm handles tend to fall into a few distinct categories. The following are some examples of common types of disabilities:

  • Arthritis
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders 
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Spinal Cord injuries

Although these are the types of disabilities that we see the most frequently, they are by no means the only ones that qualify people for assistance or benefits. During your no-cost consultation with one of our social security attorneys, they will be able to evaluate your circumstances and provide you with an estimate of the benefits you could potentially receive.

Should I Hire an Attorney to Help Me Obtain Disability Benefits?

No, you do not need to have legal representation in order to submit an application. In fact, the application for disability benefits offered by the United States Social Security Administration can be submitted online by the applicant themselves. However, it is extremely common for applications from people with genuine disabilities to be rejected for a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • Did not provide the necessary paperwork when requested.
  • The paperwork did not make it clear how you qualify for benefits.
  • Your claim is not supported by a formal medical opinion, or the opinion that was available does not support it.
  • It is unclear why you are unable to work, given your current conditions.

You can improve your chances of being accepted and speed up the process of receiving benefits by enlisting the assistance of an attorney who can guide you through the preparation of a compelling application. A knowledgeable attorney is also aware of the conditions that the Social Security Administration is most likely to be skeptical of, in addition to the methods that can be used to prove your case.

If you need help getting disability benefits, it’s always best to speak with an experienced attorney. 

Our attorneys will provide you with a free consultation to find out how to best assist with your situation. Contact The Brown Firm to schedule a free consultation today.

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