Car Accident Lawyer

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What is a Car Accident Lawyer?

We have all seen advertisements for lawyers who specialize in representing people who have been injured in automobile accidents. However, after being involved in an accident, you may find that you have questions regarding the role of a car accident lawyer and whether or not they can assist you.

Auto accident attorneys come from a diverse range of professional experiences. Because they are all personal injury attorneys, this means that their job is to assist victims of accidents or injuries in obtaining a financial recovery or the money necessary to pay for medical care and other costs. However, some lawyers limit their practice to assisting victims, while others take on a wide variety of situations.

There are attorneys that specialize in personal injury cases, but they only do so on a part-time basis and in addition to other types of business. There are some attorneys who will represent people who have been injured in car accidents in one set of court proceedings and then turn around and defend the insurance company in another set of proceedings.

We are of the opinion that personal injury victims have the best experience and obtain the best results from attorneys that focus solely on assisting victims.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help Me?

If you have been hurt in a car accident, an attorney can help you in a number of different ways, including the following:

  • Assist you in comprehending your rights and choices.
  • Give you the name of a physician who has experience with your particular type of injury and who will provide you with the comprehensive care you require.
  • Assist you in delaying payment of your medical costs until you have received the money from your insurer.
  • Your interests will be represented in negotiations with the insurance company.
  • If necessary, they will take your case to trial in order to obtain maximum compensation for your losses. 

Your personal injury attorney’s primary focus will be on maximizing the compensation you receive following a car accident so that you may meet all of your current and future financial obligations.

Do I Have to Hire an Attorney if I Was in A Car Accident?

After being involved in a car accident, it is not necessary for you to hire a lawyer. You can try to collect the money you need by filing an insurance claim on your own, and doing so is an option. Sadly, what we observe in a large number of cases is that the insurance company will provide a low figure, particularly to a victim who does not have legal representation. 

At first glance, this kind of money might appear to be “fast cash,” but you might have to live with the effects of your injuries for a number of months or even years. It might even interfere with your ability to do your job. 

Because of this, our philosophy is to first determine the total cost of all treatments before providing the insurance company with a number and then to negotiate as hard as possible to get that number. In most cases, this figure is significantly higher than what the insurance company had first provided.

The Brown Firm offers victims of car accidents a free consultation so they can speak with one of our experienced lawyers. During the initial consultation, the lawyer will determine whether or not they will be able to assist with your case. If they decide to help you, you will not owe any money up-front for our legal services. Your attorney only gets paid when they obtain a favorable settlement for you. 

If you were hurt in a car accident, don’t hesitate to contact The Brown Firm to schedule a no-cost consultation with one of our lawyers today.

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